Esc Seq Function
======= ==========================================

E[nA    move cursor up n lines

E[nB    move cursor down n lines

E[nC    move cursor right n characters

E[nD    move cursor left n characters

E[n`    move cursor to character position n

E[na    move cursor right n characters

E[nd    move cursor to line n

E[ne    move cursor down n lines

E[nF    move cursor to start of line, n lines up

E[nE    move cursor to start of line, n lines down

E[y;xH  Move cursor to x, y  E[H homes cursor

E[y;xf  Move cursor to x, y

E[nZ    Move cursor back n tab stops

E[nL    Insert n blank lines

E[n@    Insert n blank characters

E[nM    Delete n lines

E[nP    Delete n characters

E[nJ    Erase part or all of display:
        n = 0 from cursor to end of display,
        n = 1 from begin of display to cursor,
        n = 2 entire display.

E[nK    Erase part or all of line:
        n = 0 from cursor to end of line,
        n = 1 from begin of line to cursor,
        n = 2 entire line.

E[nX    Erase n characters

E[nS    Scroll display n lines up (forward)

E[nT    Scroll display n lines down (reverse)

E[nm    Set character attributes:
        n =  0 normal attribute (all off)
        n =  1 bold
        n =  4 underscore
        n =  5 blink
        n =  7 reverse
        n = 3X set foreground color
        n = 4X set background color

        X = 0 black    X = 1 red
        X = 2 green    X = 3 brown
        X = 4 blue     X = 5 magenta
        X = 6 cyan     X = 7 white

        You can set more than one thing by separating them with a
        semi-colon. eg.  E[0;1;33;40m

E[s     Save cursor position

E[u     Restore saved cursor position

E means 0X1B

if n is 0 then it can also be left off
E[0J  ==  E[J